Welcome to Delicate Therapies, a place where you can connect with your true self and experience a fundamental level of authenticity and self-love.
Hi! My name is Felicia and this project is a very dear one to me.
At 16 years old when they told me there was no cure, I refused to accept it. I knew it with my whole being that it was not the truth. It might have been their truth, but not mine.
When I was suffering with autoimmune disease – allergies that caused several anaphylactic shocks, I felt like I was sentenced to death – it was quite distressing and at the same time, motivating. I felt driven and determined to find a way, another way, my way… to find out what is truly not functioning and correct it – to open to Life again. Fully.
Old Ways won’t Bring New Results… so I opened up for new ones, ones that do work.
I observed many aspects of life and saw beneath the surface.
I studied by myself, with international teachers, went on retreats, and did so many things that I could probably write a book about it.
This allowed me to collect a lot of practical solutions and alternative possibilities.
I have gained an immense amount of knowledge in my 20+ years of observing and identifying the most powerful details from across the world.
And then, at some point, when I no longer resonated with this mental quest I started to let it all go, in exchange for wisdom – for my own inner knowledge. My truth in exchange for The Truth. And I am still in the process of opening to Life. I live by the recognition that as a human, alongside you, am on a continuous path of self discovery and evolution. Healing was and still is, just a part of it, a by product of the whole journey.
I recognize that my path has been one of the archetypal ‘wounded healer’ and it has not been an easy one nor a short one. Still, I have no regrets, because without it, I wouldn’t be here today for myself and for you. I wouldn’t know how it is to feel closed, with all the struggles that it comes along with, and I wouldn’t know how it feels to be open afterwards. And I certainly, would not know how to guide others without integrating these 2 extremes.
I see myself as a path opener to a different future.
A future we all can choose. Not from our mind, but from our soul.
I believe we all have a choice in what inner world and outer world we create.
I believe we all have this inner knowing that guides us throughout our life and once we are connected with it and chose to respect it above all else, our life transforms in all aspects.
I am not a healer. I am not a psychic. I am not a teacher.
I am who I am. And that is enough.
Most importantly, I am the one who responded to your inner call and is here to point out the way.
The question is, are you going to respond to your inner call?
Part of my genius is to see what lies beneath all our masks and expose it for what it really is – at Delicate Therapies my mission is to find the root cause, not put a bandage on to mask the symptoms. Whether it is hard to be this messenger sometimes, rest assured that what needs to happen, will happen. The results depend on you and your level of
I seek to treat the cause, the real one, not the symptom of disease.
I seek to empower you, to find your own solutions, your own path, not to make you dependent on me or anyone else.
I seek to connect you to the understanding that we cannot attend to only one part of our life and ignore the whole. As we are multidimensional beings, the need to approach life from multiple dimensions is a must: body, mind, emotions, energy field and more.
Our health, Our Balance, Our Wholeness as a species is what drives my passion now to bring forth unique and revolutionary tools, practices and intuitive insights – a perfect mix of modern science with ancient wisdom.
You hire me when you want to figure something out and you are ready to transform a problem into a solution.
My approach also takes into account the interconnectedness of all things that exist and is underpinned by the desire to lead us all to a new way of living in which we experience freedom and creativity and we find solutions that allow everyone to thrive.
Because, in the end, everyone on this planet is important. Or, at least, that is my vision.
Do you want to Love your Life?
The possibility now exists.
Will you take it?
The only question that remains is: am I the right person for you?
So, if you see value in me as a person and you have ideas within these areas of interest, please reach out here. I love new projects and I love collaborations!
Also if you feel ready to work together with me as a therapist, contact me here. (baga hiperlink)
We can have a 1 to 1 meeting (online or face to face, depending where I am located at that time) and take it from there.
However, if you don’t feel it or you feel uncertain, maybe by taking a look through the site you will find what you came here for, as it is not a coincidence you landed on my page. You can check out my blog (baga hyperlink), the free resources, the therapies I use, my Facebook, my youtube channel..
For more inspiration, I give you more content.
This is how I work.
These are some astrological facts about me.
This is my professional training.
And the subjects that I self-studied and experimented with are here.