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A gentle & holistic therapy that reprograms the body to heal itself!

The genius of Tom Bowen (1916-1982), the founder of this therapy, consisted in discovering a method by which the body returns to its “initial settings”. His love for people and his sincere desire to help any person in pain led him to the discovery of this unique and amazing therapeutic method. The Australian has become a respected therapist, and official statistics show that he treats more than 60 people a day. Endowed with genuine kindness and inexhaustible resources of understanding for human suffering, often when awakened in the middle of the night by accident or crisis, he would rush off to solve the emergency. Being generous and altruistic, he did not receive money for the treatment of children, pensioners, and people with disabilities or people who could not afford to pay the fee. Tom Bowen said his method of treatment was a godsend! His whole life, simplicity and remarkable results support this statement.

If you are interested in more details about the creator of this therapy, click here.

If you are interested in more details about how it works, click here.

How is it applied?

The Bowen technique is a new concept in the context of manual therapies; it does not derive from and is not similar to another body therapeutic method.

It consists in the application of delicate movements with the fingers on the muscles and connective tissue.

The places are in very specific areas of the body, to ensure maximum effect with the least possible interverntion from the practitioner. You will find that some points correspond to acupuncture points or trigger points and at the same time the application of the technique is quite different – the Bowen technique, being very gentle and delicate in comparison to any other form of therapy. More details here.

What does it do?

Basically what these movements do is that they transmit messages through the nervous system, reactivating the cellular memory of a pre-existing state of well-being, health, balance and optimal existence.

They relax the muscles, the fascia, tissue around organs and it send the mind into a deep alpha state in which healing becomes possible.

What is a session like?

During a sessio you will lay on a massage bench with your clothes on or in your undergarments. You will be covered with a blanket for your own comfort.

 The therapist will ask you to breathe in a specific way, they will apply the moves and leave the room.

After a few minutes, the therapist will come back and proceed in the same manner.

These breaks are necessary to let the body do the work, to go into a deeper state of relaxation and they also help the therapist asses the body for changes, as in this therapy changes happen on the spot in most cases.

Read here about how to maximize the effects of this therapy.

Read here about how you can recognize a good Bowen therapist.

Read here about frequently asked questions.

What problems can be addressed?

Basically any health problem.

Bowen therapy brings relief in the most serious ailments. In addition, it gives results in the treatment of acute and chronic, neurological and psychosomatic conditions.

Exceptional results were obtained in the following cases:

  • all skeletal-muscular-articular problems (some examples: knee pain, sprains, dislocations, spine pain, sciatica, scoliosis, kyphosis, movement restrictions of the neck, stiff shoulders, etc.)
  • diseases or imbalances of the internal organs (some examples: infertility, migraines or headaches, asthma and bronchitis, rhinitis, kidney problems, enuresis, stomach and bowel problems, diabetes, poor circulation, heart problems, etc.)
  • immune system disorders and autoimmune diseases (some examples: allergies, multiple sclerosis, etc.)
  • neurological conditions (some examples: Parkinson’s, sequelae after stroke)
  • colds, fever
  • gynecological / andrological conditions
  • depression, lack of energy, stress
  • colic in infants
  • children with autism, Down syndrome, etc.

More details can be found on the official Bowen website: (Norwegian) and (Romanian) and international

What results people had?

Improvements: immediately after the first session, the pain disappeared, the patient can move on her own.



90 years old, leg pain from heel to hip - inability to move, hypertension, gout

I have had problems with blood pressure for several years. Every time I get angry, it increases and I start to feel bad. That’s why I took the drops at first, and after I saw that they worked, I decided to take them for other things as well. They helped me a lot and I recommend everyone to try!



64 years old, high blood pressure

Improvements: after only one session, the next day the symptoms disappeared.



30 years old - acute throat inflammation and sinusitis

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