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Life is the dance of opposites.
Being at peace with both is they key to real transformation.


Access Bars

Does your mind feel overwhelmed?

Access Bars is a gentle hands-on modality in which the practitioner gently touches specific points on the head, in order to release the electromagnetic charge of all thoughts, ideas, attitudes, decisions, and beliefs that may have limited you in different life areas. The mind becomes relaxed and the brain balanced.

Bowen Therapy

Is your body experiencing pain, discomfort or a disease?

The Bowen technique is a new concept in the context of manual therapies; it does not derive from and is not similar to another body therapeutic method. It consists in applying delicate movements with the fingers on the muscles and connective tissue. These movements transmit messages through the nervous system reactivating the cellular memory of a pre-existing state of well-being, health, balance and optimal existence.


Got scars?

McLoughling Scar Tissue Release is a very gentle body technique that helps in many cases of post-surgical and trauma wound scars – even if the scar is decades old. It is quick, painless and truly amazing in its efficacy. You can get a better range of motion, get rid of the pain associated with scars, the numbness in the area can disappear and many more…

Floral Essence Therapy

Do your emotions feel out of balance?

A complementary therapy that can assist us in restoring inner balance with the use of flower essences.
Natural, simple and for every age.
These essences can help with body ailments and emotional difficulties.

Energetics of Life

Do you feel something is not working out in your life? Do you need clarity?

For every problem there is a solution & a better understanding of the bigger picture of Life itself can help you towards finding your own solutions.
Whether it’s a health problem, something going on in your career or at your workplace, at home or in the relationship with your loved one, someone who sees things from the outside could be extremely valuable. I am here to open the way to a deeper understanding and experience of Life.

Permaculture Design

Are you looking for a sustainable way of living?

A practical & holistic method of developing sustainable ways of living. It can be applied in all environments, it is not just an agriculture method. In a permaculture design, one is focused on integration of all that is, following strong ethics and a set of principles. It is a new way of living, in which we find creative ways for everyone to thrive.

Improvements Consultant

Can't find what is wrong?
Don't have solutions?

This service is for both personal clients and businesses who wish to improve their overall performance or reach specific goals. By observing and feeling the way things are, I can see what doesn't work and make useful & practical recommendations that help you or your company reach a higher level of excellence.

Human Design & Gene Keys

Do you wonder what the stars say about you and how they can help?

Human Design combines astrology, the Chinese I Ching, Judaic Kabbalah – Tree of Life, Vedic philosophy - Indian Chakra System and modern sciences like quantum physics, biochemistry, and neuroscience. Human Design helps us understand how someone can more harmoniously interact with the world at the same time as living life as our most authentic self.

The Gene Keys system elaborates on this subject and goes much more in-depth in many ways than Human Design. They complete each other beautifully.

Workshops & Circles

Do you feel the need for authentic connection?

Preset and on demand workshops for kids and adults, in English and Romanian.

Workshops typically involve hands-on activities, facilitation techniques, group discussions, simulations, and collaborative exercises, which allow participants to explore, ideate, and participate in achieving their desired outcomes.

Circles are a safe space, where one can find total acceptance, understanding, compassion and love in the general sense. Where everyone is allowed to be who they truly are and be vulnerable with the purpose of becoming more aware about our life. We encourage authentic conversations on different topics, relevant for the participants in the present moment. We use circles as a support group, a place where we can evolve together through meaningful conversations and experiences.

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What Clients Say

Improvements: after only one session, the next day the symptoms disappeared.



30 years old - acute throat inflammation and sinusitis

At one point I had a very demanding year at work and I felt that I could no longer do it. No matter how much I slept, I didn’t wake up rested and from a calm and always cheerful person I ended up always stressed and frowning. After a while I decided that it can’t be like this anymore and I decided to try these remedies. After only two weeks of administering the remedies, I felt the difference! I became relaxed again and felt more rested. It was as if I was thinking more clearly and everything became more pleasant and simpler.



27 years old, stress at work and fatigue

Improvements: complete recovery of the knee after 4 sessions and the state of relaxation maintained.



32 years old, knee pain after sports effort, stress

I was so angry every day that I couldn’t concentrate on work, when I left I didn’t feel like going home, I had problems sleeping… in short, I couldn’t find my place anywhere. Everything annoyed me and I didn’t agree with anything. Dr. Bach’s floral drops helped me get out of this vicious circle of irritability and see more good in the world. Little by little I became more relaxed, I started to rest better, the anxiety decreased a lot. I am still in treatment and I am convinced that soon I will be able to overcome all these difficult moments in my life.



26 years old, irritability, general anxiety, severe depression after the death of a loved one

My name is Ilie Georgeta, I’m 59 years old, I’m from Bucharest, two years ago I met Felicia Margineanu through a friend, and I used Dr. Bach’s Floral Therapy and Bowen Therapy. Both I and my boy Stelian followed the flower therapy. I did the sessions separately, they are confidential. I followed 3 months of floral therapy, so 3 bottles – one a month. I can say that I felt good right from the first bottle, prepared with great skill by the therapist, after I told her about the emotional problems I was going through. At first, I didn’t know how long the therapy would last and I was surprised that it only took 3 months to balance myself both physically and emotionally. I have tried other therapies over time, but it can be seen that these two therapies were the most useful for me. Just as not all people are the same, therapies do not give the same results to everyone. It is known that all the diseases of the body are actually diseases of the soul, they are feelings, traumas, deep in our souls, and this therapy does this, it removes “all the evil” from the inside. Thank God for leaving people on earth to heal us, especially Dr. Bach and Dr. Felicia Margineanu. Respect for such people.



59 years old, depression, fear of people, she felt followed, many unpleasant memories from her life that she could not escape

Today's question:

What else is possible?

               Love your life 
