Want to make your own flower essence?
This is the simplest technique, anybody can apply it.
First, use flowers from a non-polluted area. Plants close to roads tend to have pollutants on them or in them and you do not want that in your body.
Second, research the flower species that you are going to use. Be 100% sure that you know what plant it is, because many can be poisonous.
Thirdly, the procedure must be done when the sun is up and shining, as it has a vital role in the process. Ideally around noon they say, although it might have other benefits to do it at other times too. At noon, when the sun is the brightest, you will get the strongest remedy.
Prepare a glass or a jar – that has absolutely nothing written on it (very important) and sterilize it in boiling water.
Prepare a scissor and a glass, ceramic or wooden spoon, make sure they are perfectly clean.
Measure 250 ml or how much you want of normal water. (spring water is best if available).
Now, will it work if you just have a plastic bottle?
What if the jar is marked with some writing or you forgot to sterilize them, or your spoon is made of metal?
Probably yes. But the quality will be compromised. How much? Hard to say. And if you want results, you’d better follow all the steps. But if you come across a rare situation and you are not fully prepared… just do it…don’t be a perfectionist. There is no reason to miss the opportunity. Even if you’re not going to get 100% of what the plant has to offer, you will still get some and something is always better than nothing.
Ethical practice
When you go to the area, I personally advise you to voice your intention, either loud or in your own head, AND ask for permission. Wait to see what you feel and then proceed. You may also ask to be guided to pick the best match for you.
Also, consider to say thank you to the plant. Afterall, it gave so much to you.
Making the floral essence remedy
Without touching the flowers, snip them directly into the glass, to cover the full surface of the glass.
Place the glass on the ground, in direct sunlight, at the place you picked the flowers, for at least 2h.
It can stay the full day, it can stay day and night – whatever you feel is best in that moment. The sun and the moon have different effects on the plants. You can also consider doing it only in moonshine.
If you are doing for the first time and your intuition is not yet that strong, just start with the sun method and 2h and next time experiment with more or less time…etc.
When the time is done, remove the flowers without touching them using a ceramic or wood spoon. (not metal!)
And voila! Your first remedy. Now you can drink from it.
Want to preserve the concoction?
You will need to combine it with a strong alcohol and place it in a brown colored bottle. The people who took over Dr. Bach’s practice, used to advise to use brady ( minimum 40% alcohol & made naturally! – very important aspect). You place the alcohol at the bottom of a bottle, and then you pour in the flower essence (the ratio is 50%-50%). You will obtain a “mother batch” – that can be further diluted or used as the normal remedy isI myslef, have not yet preserved anything, as I believe all we need is in the present moment. So no need to have some at winter. Of course, in exceptional situations it might be handy to have. So do as you feel is best for you.